Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1 "zap" to go and starting to struggle!

I cannot believe that I have nearly finished the Whole Brain Radiation treatment. Armin took me to the hospital today, and had a great time discussing the treatment with all of the lovely staff (they are an amazing team) - apparently she couldn't believe how "sci-fi" the whole process was, what with the laser beams that they use for alignment etc. The mask was tighter than ever, however this is normal due to the steroid swelling in my face (Marc is convinced that my Mum had an affair with Bert Newton)!

The last few days have gone well. I had a good appointment with Dr Jose on Monday, and everything is going according to plan. I was able to reduce my steroids from 16mg to 12mg from yesterday, which I will maintain for a further 7 days before slightly reducing again (it will take nearly a month to wean me off of them totally). Yesterday and today have been quite difficult adjusting to the reduction, and my "roid rage" has been quite unbearable for poor Marc! It is really difficult as they totally change your personality - and you lose all of your 'common sense'! Apart from that I just feel like I have severe sunburn on the top of my head, and am a little vague and tired - all in all - cannot complain at all (although Marc surely can!!!) ! No hair loss yet either which has been nice.

Tomorrow I will have my last "zap", and then the treatment will continue to radiate my brain for a further 6-8 weeks. It is around about that time that I will have my next MRI to check in the progress. Still no driving, however I can be left alone for "short periods" which is great.

I have an appointment with Dr McCrystal (Oncologist) next Tuesday, and then we will we get back onto the chemo for the lung mets - need to get onto those little suckers too!



  1. You are an amazingly strong woman Lou. Yay about only one more zap to go. :) I have 12 left for me and counting down. I think Bert Newton must have got around a bit (man whore he is)cause i had that look happening, hehehehehehehehe. Keep strong hun. :)

  2. We continue to be impressed with your courage and strength, our precious Lou Lou! Glad to hear that the brain baking isn't hitting you too hard ... just keep getting stuck into those chockies from your Aunty and Nanna!
    We love you - even though you're a raging roiding Bert! ;-P
    Speak soon!
    LOVE YOU!!!

  3. I don't know why my comments do not go through.

  4. Youpee here we are again !!! You are probably being zapped right now and I am thinking of you which I do ALL the time. If only I had some secret power. I just hope than in a year time and you read your diary that I will hear your fantastic laugh !!!Bert Newton....come on Marc find someone better !!
    Much love
