Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Day Release" for good behaviour

The last three days the doctors have been performing a barrage of tests to get to the bottom of this trouble I am having with my breathing. I had a blood transfusion yesterday as my red blood count was too low - and today they have increased my steroids (just our luck!) to see if that will alleviate my symptoms.

The fantastic news is that I am allowed to leave the hospital to go home after my IV antibiotics at noon, and I don't have to come back until 8pm tonight - when I will be readmitted. Hopefully all going well, they will do the same tomorrow too! I'm am so excited, as I haven't seen Millie since Wednesday - so we are going to have a good afternoon.

I have made contact with Fran (our INCREDIBLE) Australian Oncologist, and she has a few magic tricks up her sleeve, that we will know more about next we will know our next battle plan then.

Yesterday I had visitors from Marc (obviously), Penny and my local GP - Susie. Can you believe that she came in after she had finished work to see me? And she was here for over an hour - seriously we have some absolutely magnificent people in our lives!

Okay, got to go and get ready for my day trip - very exciting!



  1. Have a great day with Millie and Marc, and all your fans thinking of you.
    Kiss and more kisses

    Grrrr Maman

  2. Yay!!! Enjoy your afternoon with Millie and Marc... Luv Juliana xoxox

  3. ENJOY your day pass - as I know you guys will!
    The sun is shining here in Melbourne ... hope it is for your guys in Auckland too!
    We LOVE YOU guys!!!
    Have fun and speak soon!
    Gina, Cory, Jalen and the furkids

  4. Oh yay! I bet you got lots of kisses from Millie too!

    Thinking of you!

    Jac xx

  5. Lou,

    Bring it on with the day release:) Mum is over from France so has been reading your blog. I think we have most of the globe covered now with your regular domination here we come. Lance Armstrong thought he had it going on with his yellow wrist bands - whatever!!

    All my love Sal xxx
