Hi everyone - Marc here. It's now my turn to update our blog! Our plans changed significantly last week as we were initially planning to fly to Sydney on Thursday for Lou's next Iribulen treatment, however we decided to head to Melbourne on Tuesday instead as Lou's breathing was not improving and we did not want to wait any longer! I spoke to Fran on Monday morning and explained the situation. Fran was her usual amazing self and arranged for us to transfer to a Melbourne Oncologist based at Maroondah Hospital.
Monday was an extremely busy day as we had to arrange everything from flight clearances via Dr Moller to organising portable oxygen concentrators and a very stylish wheelchair for our trip. Our little fur kid was dropped off to her second home (Pets In The City) for an extended holiday, and eventually we had everything set for our departure at 08:00 Tuesday morning. As usual my darling Lou took everything in her stride and we had a lovely evening at home together in Auckland on Monday evening.
Tuesday was a very stressful day. I was worried about how Lou would cope with a 4 hour flight. I have to say that the Air New Zealand flight crew were fantastic and did everything possible to make Lou comfortable during the flight. They fell in love with her (as everybody does) and wanted to spoil her with some extra treats and special attention - it was lovely. We were so relieved to touch down in Melbourne we high fived each other to celebrate making it across the Tasman without any complications.
Once in Melbourne we headed straight to Maroondah Hospital Emergency Department to get Lou "into the system". We were told to ask for the Oncology Registrar upon arrival. As I was wheeling Lou into Emergency she suddenly (and urgently) needed to find a bathroom (she had quite a few cups of tea during the flight)! I headed to the Disability toilet only to find it occupied. So I had two choices - wheel Lou into the Ladies toilet (no way), or into the Men's! Fortunately the Men's was empty so off we went! Lou was literally in fits of laughter which obviously made me laugh uncontrollably - I'm really not sure what the Admissions Nurse thought!
We spent quite a few hours waiting in Emergency before speaking to the Registrar and discussing the proposed way forward. The Registrar advised that Lou would need to be admitted to Hospital to ensure that Chemo was not delayed. We were both upset as we were looking forward to getting home to see everyone, and Lou was so looking forward to her Mum's home cooking (Lou's fave is Lamb Chops, Mash, Peas, and Mint Sauce).
The registrar also told us that the Melbourne Oncologist (Jacquie Chirgwin) would not be able to see us until Thursday morning as she was at a conference with Fran. It was a lot of information for us to take in - new hospital, new people, new procedures, and to add to that we were both very tired after travelling (I was feeling exhausted, I can only imagine how Lou was feeling). We perservered knowing that it would work out and Lou would receive the necessary treatment required.
I think I should say at this point (and to make things easier to understand in the blog update) that Lou's Mum is referred to as Mum, and my Mum is referred to as Mumsie! Now that is cleared up - Mum came and spent the evening with us at Maroondah Hospital and brought along a lovely hamper of our favourite goodies to snack on. It was so lovely to see her and a great relief to be with Family.
The next few days were spent at Maroondah consulting with various medical staff, and making sure Lou was comfortable. We met with Jacquie Chirgwin on Thursday morning and she was absolutely lovely. Jacquie had been in discussion with Fran and they both recommended that Lou cease with the Iribulen trial as it was not working quickly enough to improve Lou's breathing. Jacquie recommended Lou start Abraxane Chemo treatment and was able to schedule Lou's first dose on Thursday afternoon which was excellent. Lou was dischardged from Hospital Thursday evening (she would not stay a moment longer) and we were all very relieved to have her back home at Mum's.
We are scheduled to see a Peninsula Radiologist & Oncologist early next week and it looks like Lou will be able to have her next treatment at one of the Private Hospitals on the Peninsula which is great and means minimal travel to appointments. Mum & Stuart have been fantastic in every way and have made us very comfortable and relaxed. Mum has been giving us lots of hugs and kisses and cooking all of Lou's favourite meals. For those that do not know Lou's mum is a Registered Nurse which has meant it is much easier to look after Lou at home given her additional medications and treatment requirements.
Unfortunately Mumsie has not been able to visit Lou due to an infection - and she cannot wait to get over her bug and come and give us both lots of big hugs and kisses. Keep up the phone calls and messages coming Mumsie and we look forward to seeing you and the rest of the crew very soon xxx. All of our family have been so wonderful and we feel truly blessed to have them and all of our dear friends supporting us and sending messages of love and support during this difficult time.
Lou is currently sitting next to me on the couch and occasionally looking over between cat naps to make sure I finish this post and include everything on her list :)
With much Love
Lou & Marc xxxx
We (Marc, Lou and Millie) have created a blog to keep in touch with all of our family and friends to pass on our news whilst we start the next big battle ahead of us.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Getting things under control....
Over the last week, my health has deteriorated quite dramatically, especially in relation to my breathing. I am getting out of breath walking up a couple of stairs, and have to walk quite slowly to keep my breathing under control.
As a result, Marc and I spent 3 hours at the Auckland Hospital yesterday to see how we can get the situation under control until we fly to Sydney next Thursday. After blood tests, and x-rays, they have decided to increase my steroids AGAIN........(seriously someone is messing with me!), and they will start me on a "take home" oxygen pack to help me until the "clever little sea sponge" kicks in. The chemo is obviously only just starting to kill some of my cells from the infusion a couple of weeks ago, as my eyebrows and eyelashes have only just started falling out over the last couple of days.....and apparently this new treatment can take a couple of cycles to fully kick in. The steroids will be help reduce the inflammation on my lungs (and increase the inflammation on my face - seriously.....what is all of that about)??? - and the oxygen will help me breathe normally again.
The funniest thing happened yesterday - as we got in the car to go to the hospital - I asked Marc to bring my shoes for me. Well, we were nearly at the hospital and I asked Marc where my shoes were - and his face just sunk! We were in hysterics at the thought of me walking (at a snails pace) into the hospital with NO shoes on.....what a look that was! Anyway, we quickly explained the situation to everyone we bumped into - and had a little chuckle with the staff. The only thing that was missing was my "Proud to be a Westie" T-Shirt!
This weekend will be a quiet one, depending on how I am feeling. Obviously food will play quite a large part in our plan due to the steroids.....so perhaps Indian for dinner tonight, and eggs on toast for breakfast in the morning....mmm!! Marc is an absolutely amazing cook - so I have already put in a request for my top 5 favourite recipes x
Millie is doing really well. We have actually had her for one year tomorrow, and what a fantastic year that has been. She is such an affectionate little thing, and is just ALWAYS happy - she is perfect!
Marc is doing well. He is exhausted after his 2 hour "oxygen" training session....and is now feeling pretty confident with his new machinery!
The last week has been a little stressful and unplanned as you can imagine, however now we have a "plan" and we are getting things under control, we are feeling much better.....and are counting down the days until we get my next infusion of the treatment.
As a result, Marc and I spent 3 hours at the Auckland Hospital yesterday to see how we can get the situation under control until we fly to Sydney next Thursday. After blood tests, and x-rays, they have decided to increase my steroids AGAIN........(seriously someone is messing with me!), and they will start me on a "take home" oxygen pack to help me until the "clever little sea sponge" kicks in. The chemo is obviously only just starting to kill some of my cells from the infusion a couple of weeks ago, as my eyebrows and eyelashes have only just started falling out over the last couple of days.....and apparently this new treatment can take a couple of cycles to fully kick in. The steroids will be help reduce the inflammation on my lungs (and increase the inflammation on my face - seriously.....what is all of that about)??? - and the oxygen will help me breathe normally again.
The funniest thing happened yesterday - as we got in the car to go to the hospital - I asked Marc to bring my shoes for me. Well, we were nearly at the hospital and I asked Marc where my shoes were - and his face just sunk! We were in hysterics at the thought of me walking (at a snails pace) into the hospital with NO shoes on.....what a look that was! Anyway, we quickly explained the situation to everyone we bumped into - and had a little chuckle with the staff. The only thing that was missing was my "Proud to be a Westie" T-Shirt!
This weekend will be a quiet one, depending on how I am feeling. Obviously food will play quite a large part in our plan due to the steroids.....so perhaps Indian for dinner tonight, and eggs on toast for breakfast in the morning....mmm!! Marc is an absolutely amazing cook - so I have already put in a request for my top 5 favourite recipes x
Millie is doing really well. We have actually had her for one year tomorrow, and what a fantastic year that has been. She is such an affectionate little thing, and is just ALWAYS happy - she is perfect!
Marc is doing well. He is exhausted after his 2 hour "oxygen" training session....and is now feeling pretty confident with his new machinery!
The last week has been a little stressful and unplanned as you can imagine, however now we have a "plan" and we are getting things under control, we are feeling much better.....and are counting down the days until we get my next infusion of the treatment.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
And here are the photo's...
I arrived home safely from Sydney, and it was SO great to be at home with Marc and Millie!! We have had a quiet weekend at home while I get over the recent treatment, which has been wonderful just to be at home and relax.
Here are some photo's from Gina's visit to Auckland - and from my time in Sydney.
The night that Gina arrived - cause for a celebration!
Marc and the our bestie - Gina! x
Gina and I
She just could not resist a turn of my 'Hannibal Lecter' radiation mask!
Here we go - me, with my "clever little sea sponge"
The excitement was nearly too much for Marc!
Me, with my AMAZING nurse (who also gave me chemo in 2007) - Paula x
My gorgeous friends, Jackie and Naomi who live a few hours out of Sydney - unfortunately we had just finished Jackie's first round of chemo again - after we met in 2007 having our original treatment.
The beautiful Shelley and I
And of course - here she is - Grrrraaaannnndddd Maaaammmmaaan (and baby Fraser)!
Francoise, Fraser and I x
This was a great night too - with Mindi, Tim (and Flynn)!
Lou x
Friday, October 29, 2010
Coming home......
I am currently sitting in the Sydney Qantas Club (.....mmmm....yes, I admit I played the C card and wore a hat not a wig.....thus gaining access to the Club AND access to priority customs (it's got to be good for something hey?)), waiting for my flight home to Marc and Millie - I cannot wait!
The last week or so in Sydney has been wonderful, and Tim has been a wonderful host and looked after me every step of the way - Marc and I could not be more grateful.
I have lots of photos to post, which I will do over the weekend, as I was lucky enough to be able to catch up with a lot of my friends in Sydney during the trip (Tim's parents, Jackie, Naomi, Mindi, Shelley, Francoise, Graaaaand Maaammmaan, Heidi, Fraser, Clover, The Farm Dogs, and all of the Signature Team) which was wonderful (thanks Niri for arranging the delicious Yum Cha lunch)! x
I had my "clever little sea sponge" treatment yesterday, and now I will have a break for a week and a half before my next treatment the week after next. All of my blood tests came back with good results, so we did not need to reduce the dosage as some women are forced to do which was fantastic. Got to spend some time with Fran which as always is amazing. I always feel absolutely on top of the world after any dealings with Fran - she is one of the most incredible people in the world. The only bad news was (and can you believe this???) they have had to double my steroids - which as you all know are my FAVOURITE part of this situation!!! This is just to keep my swollen eye under control, until we can schedule some radiation to disintegrate the little critter that is on the bridge of my nose! So, in the mean time I am (trying to) "suck it up" looking like the Michelin Man - I think that people think that I am part of some kind of Halloween exhibition or something peculiar... lol!
I will post all of the photos on the weekend.
The last week or so in Sydney has been wonderful, and Tim has been a wonderful host and looked after me every step of the way - Marc and I could not be more grateful.
I have lots of photos to post, which I will do over the weekend, as I was lucky enough to be able to catch up with a lot of my friends in Sydney during the trip (Tim's parents, Jackie, Naomi, Mindi, Shelley, Francoise, Graaaaand Maaammmaan, Heidi, Fraser, Clover, The Farm Dogs, and all of the Signature Team) which was wonderful (thanks Niri for arranging the delicious Yum Cha lunch)! x
I had my "clever little sea sponge" treatment yesterday, and now I will have a break for a week and a half before my next treatment the week after next. All of my blood tests came back with good results, so we did not need to reduce the dosage as some women are forced to do which was fantastic. Got to spend some time with Fran which as always is amazing. I always feel absolutely on top of the world after any dealings with Fran - she is one of the most incredible people in the world. The only bad news was (and can you believe this???) they have had to double my steroids - which as you all know are my FAVOURITE part of this situation!!! This is just to keep my swollen eye under control, until we can schedule some radiation to disintegrate the little critter that is on the bridge of my nose! So, in the mean time I am (trying to) "suck it up" looking like the Michelin Man - I think that people think that I am part of some kind of Halloween exhibition or something peculiar... lol!
I will post all of the photos on the weekend.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Dynamic Duo
On Thursday, Marc and I went to have our dose of my "clever little sea sponge" and we were delighted to be welcomed by Paula and Lisa the same chemo nurses who looked after me in 2007. They have moved buildings into this beautiful old convent, which is decorated so perfectly and looks incredible! Paula was fantastic as always, and the entire process only took 20 or 30 mins (I think it would have taken 5 minutes if we weren't talking and laughing so much)!
The side effects have been quite minimal at the moment, I felt a little tired and "off" on Thursday afternoon and yesterday, however am starting to feel better today. It is a gorgeous day here in Sydney, so we are off to enjoy the day with Tim.
Yesterday afternoon we had the pleasure in meeting Fran's husband - Dr Hennessy. Sal - you were so right with your comment - Marc and I have truly been blessed with the people that we have crossed paths with. Even with our run of bad luck - there really is a silver lining!! To have Fran and Dr Hennessy on our side is AMAZING! Dr Hennessy took photo's of my retinal tumours on a machine that is the only one of it's kind in the Southern Hemisphere- and they will take more photo's in 4 weeks to see how they are reacting to the treatment. The technology was incredible - Marc thought that he had walked into the twilight zone!!
Next treatment is scheduled for next Thursday, and all going well, I will fly home on Friday.
The side effects have been quite minimal at the moment, I felt a little tired and "off" on Thursday afternoon and yesterday, however am starting to feel better today. It is a gorgeous day here in Sydney, so we are off to enjoy the day with Tim.
Yesterday afternoon we had the pleasure in meeting Fran's husband - Dr Hennessy. Sal - you were so right with your comment - Marc and I have truly been blessed with the people that we have crossed paths with. Even with our run of bad luck - there really is a silver lining!! To have Fran and Dr Hennessy on our side is AMAZING! Dr Hennessy took photo's of my retinal tumours on a machine that is the only one of it's kind in the Southern Hemisphere- and they will take more photo's in 4 weeks to see how they are reacting to the treatment. The technology was incredible - Marc thought that he had walked into the twilight zone!!
Next treatment is scheduled for next Thursday, and all going well, I will fly home on Friday.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A sea sponge to the rescue!
Well, we certainly have had a topsy turvey week! We celebrated our great news (or so we thought) over the weekend with the awesome company of Gina - and we had an absolutely amazing weekend filled with LOTS of laughter....and funny stories!! I will post some photo's of our weekend together shortly!
On Monday we met with Dr McCrystal to give him an update on our successful admittance to the AU drug trial. When he saw my eye he was concerned that it was still so swollen, and as a result referred me to an Acute Opthamologist on the Monday evening. Unfortunately our "good news" was dampened with the fact that my tear duct is blocked probably due to more cancer.....and whilst they were checking everything else, I was diagnosed with Retinal Cancer in both of my eyes! That explains why I have been having so many problems with my vision, which previously they have put down to the brain radiation!!
Anyway, Marc and I flew into Sydney yesterday and met with the AMAZING Fran. We felt as though a weight had been lifted off of our shoulders as soon as we saw her!
So, basically the next steps are to prioritise our "issues" which at the moment are my breathing and lung function - so we are off to start the new trial drug (derived from a clever little sea sponge) this afternoon, and wiil have a further treatment next Thursday, and I will fly home on the Friday (29/10). We have faith that this drug will have an effect on ALL of our tumours, and start getting things under control again. For this cycle I am required to be based in Sydney so that they can monitor me for side effects etc, however the next cycles may be more flexible, so that I can spend the week inbetween treatments in Melbourne with family and friends which will be great.
Can you believe this - Fran's husband is an Eye Ophemologist - so we have an appointment with him on Friday, so he can take some scans of what is going on with my eyes, so that we can monitor their progress as we make our way through the next treatment.
We caught up with Tim last night for dinner which was great too!
On Monday we met with Dr McCrystal to give him an update on our successful admittance to the AU drug trial. When he saw my eye he was concerned that it was still so swollen, and as a result referred me to an Acute Opthamologist on the Monday evening. Unfortunately our "good news" was dampened with the fact that my tear duct is blocked probably due to more cancer.....and whilst they were checking everything else, I was diagnosed with Retinal Cancer in both of my eyes! That explains why I have been having so many problems with my vision, which previously they have put down to the brain radiation!!
Anyway, Marc and I flew into Sydney yesterday and met with the AMAZING Fran. We felt as though a weight had been lifted off of our shoulders as soon as we saw her!
So, basically the next steps are to prioritise our "issues" which at the moment are my breathing and lung function - so we are off to start the new trial drug (derived from a clever little sea sponge) this afternoon, and wiil have a further treatment next Thursday, and I will fly home on the Friday (29/10). We have faith that this drug will have an effect on ALL of our tumours, and start getting things under control again. For this cycle I am required to be based in Sydney so that they can monitor me for side effects etc, however the next cycles may be more flexible, so that I can spend the week inbetween treatments in Melbourne with family and friends which will be great.
Can you believe this - Fran's husband is an Eye Ophemologist - so we have an appointment with him on Friday, so he can take some scans of what is going on with my eyes, so that we can monitor their progress as we make our way through the next treatment.
We caught up with Tim last night for dinner which was great too!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Good things come in 3's
It was a triple tick Friday!!!
Firstly, my best friend from Melbourne - Gina - arrived to stay with us for the weekend.
Secondly, we had a CT scan on Friday morning to see what was causing the swelling below my left eye, as there was a possibility that I had a new brain tumour (it looks as though I have been punched in the face!). The results came back and it is just some inflammation from the radiation (the symptoms from the radiation are really only starting now - sore head etc), so nothing to worry about - and ALL of my previous brain tumours have "reduced significantly"!!!! The large tumor that they were really concerned about (that potentially needed brain surgery) is now "barely visable" - so that was just the BEST news ever. Dr Moller and I read the report together and were just over the moon.
THIRDLY - we had our conversation with my amazing AU Oncologist, Fran, and I have been accepted into part of a new trial drug from England, that is based in Sydney (and potentially Melbourne)!!!! It is a "named patient program", so Fran has thrown my name into the ring so to speak, and I have been accepted!!! I will travel to Sydney by Wednesday next week, have the treatment on Thursday, and the following Thursday, and spend 10 days in Australia in total to be monitored. There is a possibility that I can have the second treatment in Melbourne - however we will see how I go with the initial treatment - it is all so exciting!!! The main side effect is hair loss - so that is no issue :)
We just could not believe our luck.
Gina arrived yesterday, and we have had a great time. Today we went for breakfast (mmmm....eggs benedict), and then to Mission Bay where we walked along the beach in the sun, eating waffle cones from Movenpick Icecream. Tonight we are heading to our local Indian Restaurant for dinner....and then we will plan what we are going to do tomorrow before Gina leaves to go home to her boys (and Tilly Cat).
Firstly, my best friend from Melbourne - Gina - arrived to stay with us for the weekend.
Secondly, we had a CT scan on Friday morning to see what was causing the swelling below my left eye, as there was a possibility that I had a new brain tumour (it looks as though I have been punched in the face!). The results came back and it is just some inflammation from the radiation (the symptoms from the radiation are really only starting now - sore head etc), so nothing to worry about - and ALL of my previous brain tumours have "reduced significantly"!!!! The large tumor that they were really concerned about (that potentially needed brain surgery) is now "barely visable" - so that was just the BEST news ever. Dr Moller and I read the report together and were just over the moon.
THIRDLY - we had our conversation with my amazing AU Oncologist, Fran, and I have been accepted into part of a new trial drug from England, that is based in Sydney (and potentially Melbourne)!!!! It is a "named patient program", so Fran has thrown my name into the ring so to speak, and I have been accepted!!! I will travel to Sydney by Wednesday next week, have the treatment on Thursday, and the following Thursday, and spend 10 days in Australia in total to be monitored. There is a possibility that I can have the second treatment in Melbourne - however we will see how I go with the initial treatment - it is all so exciting!!! The main side effect is hair loss - so that is no issue :)
We just could not believe our luck.
Gina arrived yesterday, and we have had a great time. Today we went for breakfast (mmmm....eggs benedict), and then to Mission Bay where we walked along the beach in the sun, eating waffle cones from Movenpick Icecream. Tonight we are heading to our local Indian Restaurant for dinner....and then we will plan what we are going to do tomorrow before Gina leaves to go home to her boys (and Tilly Cat).
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Eat, Pray, Love and Metallica
One of the things on my Bucket List was to be in a book club (just for one book though), so Armin, Penny, Sue, Sarah and myself chose the book Eat, Pray Love to read - and tonight we are heading for dinner at a French restaurant to "discuss" the book (aka "have a good gossip") - and then we are heading to an old movie theatre for the movie premier - it will be a great night!
On the other extreme - Marc went to the Auckland Metallica concert last night with some people from work, and had an absolutely brilliant night! I am still nagging him to update the blog with photos of our new Cacti garden!!
We met with Dr McCrystal on Tuesday, and had a good meeting. Not much of an update now until we speak with Fran late tomorrow afternoon to discuss what the best options are moving forward. We went to see Dr Moller (my AMAZING local doctor) today as my left eye is a little swollen - she is not sure if it is sinus infection, where I dropped my iPad on my face when I fell asleep (don't ask - I'm blaming it on the sleeping tablets), or a "nasty" - so we are waiting to hear back from her about that!
Fantastic news - my best friend from Melbourne - Gina - is flying over tomorrow to spend two nights with Marc and I - so we are both very excited about that. We cannot wait! I have booked dinner on Saturday night at our local Indian restaurant, and plan to have brunch on either Saturday or Sunday morning somewhere nice. I haven't seen Gina since our wedding - way TOO long!
I will let you know when we have an update from Fran.
On the other extreme - Marc went to the Auckland Metallica concert last night with some people from work, and had an absolutely brilliant night! I am still nagging him to update the blog with photos of our new Cacti garden!!
We met with Dr McCrystal on Tuesday, and had a good meeting. Not much of an update now until we speak with Fran late tomorrow afternoon to discuss what the best options are moving forward. We went to see Dr Moller (my AMAZING local doctor) today as my left eye is a little swollen - she is not sure if it is sinus infection, where I dropped my iPad on my face when I fell asleep (don't ask - I'm blaming it on the sleeping tablets), or a "nasty" - so we are waiting to hear back from her about that!
Fantastic news - my best friend from Melbourne - Gina - is flying over tomorrow to spend two nights with Marc and I - so we are both very excited about that. We cannot wait! I have booked dinner on Saturday night at our local Indian restaurant, and plan to have brunch on either Saturday or Sunday morning somewhere nice. I haven't seen Gina since our wedding - way TOO long!
I will let you know when we have an update from Fran.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Homeward Bound
Yesterday my blood count was really good, and my breathing had stabilised, and as a result I was given an "overnight" pass (on the provision that I was back in my bed in my PJ's by 9am this morning)! Marc picked me up and we had a scrumptious Yum Cha lunch - and then headed home to relax around the house. Penny had cooked us a delicious organic chicken curry for dinner which was awesome! Millie was thrilled that we were both at home. Had a great night's sleep - and was back as requested at 9am on the dot! All of the nurses gave me a nice welcome which was lovely!
This morning my blood results were really good, and they have changed all of my medication to tablets - so I have been officially discharged! Marc is on his way to pick me up - WHOO HOO!
We will meet with Dr McCrystal tomorrow, and then touch base with Fran on Friday - who will have our next plan of attack.
Thank you all for your message of support and encouragement - it really means a lot to both Marc and I to know that we have so many people in our corner!
Love Lou
This morning my blood results were really good, and they have changed all of my medication to tablets - so I have been officially discharged! Marc is on his way to pick me up - WHOO HOO!
We will meet with Dr McCrystal tomorrow, and then touch base with Fran on Friday - who will have our next plan of attack.
Thank you all for your message of support and encouragement - it really means a lot to both Marc and I to know that we have so many people in our corner!
Love Lou
Saturday, October 9, 2010
"Day Release" for good behaviour
The last three days the doctors have been performing a barrage of tests to get to the bottom of this trouble I am having with my breathing. I had a blood transfusion yesterday as my red blood count was too low - and today they have increased my steroids (just our luck!) to see if that will alleviate my symptoms.
The fantastic news is that I am allowed to leave the hospital to go home after my IV antibiotics at noon, and I don't have to come back until 8pm tonight - when I will be readmitted. Hopefully all going well, they will do the same tomorrow too! I'm am so excited, as I haven't seen Millie since Wednesday - so we are going to have a good afternoon.
I have made contact with Fran (our INCREDIBLE) Australian Oncologist, and she has a few magic tricks up her sleeve, that we will know more about next Friday....so we will know our next battle plan then.
Yesterday I had visitors from Marc (obviously), Penny and my local GP - Susie. Can you believe that she came in after she had finished work to see me? And she was here for over an hour - seriously we have some absolutely magnificent people in our lives!
Okay, got to go and get ready for my day trip - very exciting!
The fantastic news is that I am allowed to leave the hospital to go home after my IV antibiotics at noon, and I don't have to come back until 8pm tonight - when I will be readmitted. Hopefully all going well, they will do the same tomorrow too! I'm am so excited, as I haven't seen Millie since Wednesday - so we are going to have a good afternoon.
I have made contact with Fran (our INCREDIBLE) Australian Oncologist, and she has a few magic tricks up her sleeve, that we will know more about next Friday....so we will know our next battle plan then.
Yesterday I had visitors from Marc (obviously), Penny and my local GP - Susie. Can you believe that she came in after she had finished work to see me? And she was here for over an hour - seriously we have some absolutely magnificent people in our lives!
Okay, got to go and get ready for my day trip - very exciting!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
And another hurdle.....
The official reports came back this morning from the scans last night. Unfortunately all of our tumors have gone on a bit of a "growth spurt", and I have a slight infection in my lungs. The good news is that they think the infection is causing the current symptoms, so a few days in the hospital - lots of antibiotics - and my breathing may go back to normal (fingers crossed).
The bad news was that they now identified some cancerous tumors in my liver - so we will add that to our next battle plan! Obviously my current chemo is not working, so I will wait to speak to my AMAZING Australian Oncologist - Fran - and find out what we are going to do next - I presume it will be a new type of chemo.
I am feeling slightly better than yesterday, and my breathing appears to be better which is a great sign. The hospital staff are absolutely lovely - we had a really sprightly young nurse today called Lucy who was adorable - the food has been delicious (not that I am that fussy at the moment as still on my steroids) - and they bring me a cup of tea twice a day!
I had a great surprise visit from Howard, Armin and Penny today which was great too (excuse my "moon face" - they have been pumping me full of fluids today to control my low blood pressure)!

At this stage I will be in the hospital until at least Saturday - and hopefully by then we will have nailed this infection and I will be feeling normal again.
The bad news was that they now identified some cancerous tumors in my liver - so we will add that to our next battle plan! Obviously my current chemo is not working, so I will wait to speak to my AMAZING Australian Oncologist - Fran - and find out what we are going to do next - I presume it will be a new type of chemo.
I am feeling slightly better than yesterday, and my breathing appears to be better which is a great sign. The hospital staff are absolutely lovely - we had a really sprightly young nurse today called Lucy who was adorable - the food has been delicious (not that I am that fussy at the moment as still on my steroids) - and they bring me a cup of tea twice a day!
I had a great surprise visit from Howard, Armin and Penny today which was great too (excuse my "moon face" - they have been pumping me full of fluids today to control my low blood pressure)!
At this stage I will be in the hospital until at least Saturday - and hopefully by then we will have nailed this infection and I will be feeling normal again.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Another Grand Final, cacti shopping...and a trip to the hospital!
We had a great weekend "re-celebrating" the AFL Grand Final at Norman and Sue's, followed by breakfast and Cacti shopping on Sunday. I never realised how much fun shopping for Cacti could be - we had an absolute ball - and our new Cacti bed looks amazing.
On Monday night I had dinner with Armin, Penny and Sarah at a really cool restaurant / bar in Kingsland - the food was delicious, and the decor was really funky! We had a fantastic night.
We met with Dr Jose on Tuesday (my Radiation Dr) - everything seems to be going according to plan, although I did get a telling off for taking too many sleeping tablets every night (the steroids keep me awake)! He is going to leave the scheduling of the brain scan (and the decision as to whether I can fly or not yet) with Dr McCrystal (my Oncology Dr) who we meet with next Tuesday. Still no driving. The good news is that I think the radiation has JUST missed my eyebrows and eyelashes which is exciting! I have also lost 3 kilo's, and my "moon face" swelling is slowly reducing.
I was admitted to hospital today, as still having problems with my breathing. They have done lots of blood tests, a CT scan and a chest x-ray. This has ruled out a blood clot (which they initially suspected), and pneumonia. The lung tumors have grown since the last scan, although not significantly, so they don't think that they are causing my symptoms, however there are small spots of infection in my lungs. At this stage they are treating me with high dose IV anti-biotics - and we will know more in the morning when the official results come back.
Marc is at home with Millie tonight and will be in in the morning. Millie is having a 'phantom pregnancy' (can you believe it?) - so she is extra hungry, and putting on weight etc!!!
I'll post an update once we know more.
The boys on Grand Final day.
On Monday night I had dinner with Armin, Penny and Sarah at a really cool restaurant / bar in Kingsland - the food was delicious, and the decor was really funky! We had a fantastic night.
We met with Dr Jose on Tuesday (my Radiation Dr) - everything seems to be going according to plan, although I did get a telling off for taking too many sleeping tablets every night (the steroids keep me awake)! He is going to leave the scheduling of the brain scan (and the decision as to whether I can fly or not yet) with Dr McCrystal (my Oncology Dr) who we meet with next Tuesday. Still no driving. The good news is that I think the radiation has JUST missed my eyebrows and eyelashes which is exciting! I have also lost 3 kilo's, and my "moon face" swelling is slowly reducing.
I was admitted to hospital today, as still having problems with my breathing. They have done lots of blood tests, a CT scan and a chest x-ray. This has ruled out a blood clot (which they initially suspected), and pneumonia. The lung tumors have grown since the last scan, although not significantly, so they don't think that they are causing my symptoms, however there are small spots of infection in my lungs. At this stage they are treating me with high dose IV anti-biotics - and we will know more in the morning when the official results come back.
Marc is at home with Millie tonight and will be in in the morning. Millie is having a 'phantom pregnancy' (can you believe it?) - so she is extra hungry, and putting on weight etc!!!
I'll post an update once we know more.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The "Feeding Frenzy" is over!
On Monday I was finally able to reduce my steroids to one tablet a day - and I am thrilled to announce that yesterday my appetite dropped significantly - whoo hoo - I am no longer obsessed with food!!!! It is a great feeling - and now I'm just looking forward to losing some of this weight!
I was put onto different antibiotics yesterday, as I still cannot seem to shake this chest infection - so hopefully it will clear up in the next couple of days. I am waiting for an appointment for a CT scan, just so they can check what is happening in my chest. I am still feeling really well, I have a couple of issues with my sight (judging if the ground is flat or not and things like that), and am a little shaky in my hands - I am feeling REALLY well (and happy) other than that! Oh, and did I mention I have a brown forehead!! Someone even asked if I had had my teeth whitened my face is so brown :-)!
Marc and Millie are both well - Millie is back at daycare a couple of days a week which is great for her. Marc said that she was so excited to be back there that she was trying to throw herself out of the car!
This weekend we are going to pick out some Cacti for our landscaping project (Marc will post some photos on the weekend) - and then we will spend Saturday afternoon at Norman and Sue's having a repeat of last Saturday (carn the Pies)!
I was put onto different antibiotics yesterday, as I still cannot seem to shake this chest infection - so hopefully it will clear up in the next couple of days. I am waiting for an appointment for a CT scan, just so they can check what is happening in my chest. I am still feeling really well, I have a couple of issues with my sight (judging if the ground is flat or not and things like that), and am a little shaky in my hands - I am feeling REALLY well (and happy) other than that! Oh, and did I mention I have a brown forehead!! Someone even asked if I had had my teeth whitened my face is so brown :-)!
Marc and Millie are both well - Millie is back at daycare a couple of days a week which is great for her. Marc said that she was so excited to be back there that she was trying to throw herself out of the car!
This weekend we are going to pick out some Cacti for our landscaping project (Marc will post some photos on the weekend) - and then we will spend Saturday afternoon at Norman and Sue's having a repeat of last Saturday (carn the Pies)!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Chemo, Grand Final and a High Tea
I started my chemo again last Wednesday, and although I was a little tired towards the end of the week, I am still feeling really well. I had some severe leg pain on Saturday and Sunday morning from one of the drugs which was horrible, however a "quick release" morphine tablet soon sorted that out!
On Saturday we spent the day at Norman and Sue's with Armin and Penny watching the AFL Grand Final - it was a great day (although I was disappointed at the way the match ended), although it gives an excuse to do it all again at Norman and Sue's next weekend!
On Sunday, we were invited to the SPCA (Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) High Tea by Rob and Carole from Pets in The City (where Millie goes to doggie daycare) at the Stamford Plaza - and we had a fantastic afternoon. It was lovely to get dressed up, put on some high shoes, wear my black glittery hat, and enjoy delicious food and great company. We got to spend some time with Jules who owns Rocco - Millie's best friend who is just the most adorable French Bulldog you have ever seen - so that was wonderful too.
On Saturday we spent the day at Norman and Sue's with Armin and Penny watching the AFL Grand Final - it was a great day (although I was disappointed at the way the match ended), although it gives an excuse to do it all again at Norman and Sue's next weekend!
On Sunday, we were invited to the SPCA (Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) High Tea by Rob and Carole from Pets in The City (where Millie goes to doggie daycare) at the Stamford Plaza - and we had a fantastic afternoon. It was lovely to get dressed up, put on some high shoes, wear my black glittery hat, and enjoy delicious food and great company. We got to spend some time with Jules who owns Rocco - Millie's best friend who is just the most adorable French Bulldog you have ever seen - so that was wonderful too.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Full steam ahead
Today Marc and I had a really good meeting with Dr McCrystal - everything is full steam ahead to start chemo again tomorrow which is really positive news. I will have it once every three weeks, and the side effects are expected to be quite minimal which is great news too. I have had one session of it before, however I think that the brain tumours were causing more of the side effects than the chemo itself - so it will be interesting to see how I go this week. I will have a CT scan in the next 3-4 weeks just to make sure that everything is behaving itself, and then I might be cleared to fly in about 6 weeks time.......Melbourne and/or Fiji - here we come! I have picked up a 'slight' chest infection, so we are on antibiotics just to make sure that doesn't hinder anything.
I donned my 'j-lo' wig today, and had a great lunch with Ryan, Ruth, Ness and Armin - followed by a sweet muffin. Today my steroids dropped from 3-2 and touch wood I have only had one 'wig-out' (that was for you Gina) at Marc - so that is progress too.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The "Buzz Cut", Yum Cha and a $5 Cupcake
On Saturday, Marc and I had our appointment at the wig shop. Jenna was absolutely wonderful, and did a fantastic job "buzzing" my hair off. It was actually such a relief as my hair was feeling really "toxic" from the radiation, so it was great just to get rid of it. Marc was extremely patient whilst we finalised the wigs - while I was imagining what they will look like when my "balloon" face is gone!
On Sunday we were supposed to have lunch with Norman and Sue and the kids, however poor Hannah had come down with a head cold (which I have to stay away from), so Marc and I went to Yum Cha instead....and it was delicious!
On the way back to the car - we found a Cup Cake shop, that just sells Cup Cakes - so of course we had to pick one of those up for afternoon tea!
It was a great weekend!
Tomorrow I have my appointment with Dr McCrystal, so we will find out when my chemo will start again, followed by lunch with Ryan, Ruth, Ness (my friends from the office next door) and Armin.
Love Lou
Friday, September 17, 2010
All finished
Yesterday I had my last treatment of brain radiation. We took some "happy snaps" with the lovely staff, the amazing machine and my sci-fi mask - close your eyes for the third photo Nana!
Today my hair is officially falling out - in absolute handfuls. I tied it up in a bun quite precariously, and went and had a delicious brunch with Sue and Penny - can you tell that a lot of my life is still revolving around food??? Sue and I then went for a quick shop - and I have spent the afternoon at home which has been lovely.
Tomorrow morning Marc will buzz my hair off, and then we will go to the wig shop to get one fitted properly. Sunday we are having lunch with Norman, Sue, Hannah and Callum which will be great.
I'm still feeling generally well, and thankfully my "roid rage" has calmed down significantly today which has been great relief.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
1 "zap" to go and starting to struggle!
I cannot believe that I have nearly finished the Whole Brain Radiation treatment. Armin took me to the hospital today, and had a great time discussing the treatment with all of the lovely staff (they are an amazing team) - apparently she couldn't believe how "sci-fi" the whole process was, what with the laser beams that they use for alignment etc. The mask was tighter than ever, however this is normal due to the steroid swelling in my face (Marc is convinced that my Mum had an affair with Bert Newton)!
The last few days have gone well. I had a good appointment with Dr Jose on Monday, and everything is going according to plan. I was able to reduce my steroids from 16mg to 12mg from yesterday, which I will maintain for a further 7 days before slightly reducing again (it will take nearly a month to wean me off of them totally). Yesterday and today have been quite difficult adjusting to the reduction, and my "roid rage" has been quite unbearable for poor Marc! It is really difficult as they totally change your personality - and you lose all of your 'common sense'! Apart from that I just feel like I have severe sunburn on the top of my head, and am a little vague and tired - all in all - cannot complain at all (although Marc surely can!!!) ! No hair loss yet either which has been nice.
Tomorrow I will have my last "zap", and then the treatment will continue to radiate my brain for a further 6-8 weeks. It is around about that time that I will have my next MRI to check in the progress. Still no driving, however I can be left alone for "short periods" which is great.
I have an appointment with Dr McCrystal (Oncologist) next Tuesday, and then we will we get back onto the chemo for the lung mets - need to get onto those little suckers too!
The last few days have gone well. I had a good appointment with Dr Jose on Monday, and everything is going according to plan. I was able to reduce my steroids from 16mg to 12mg from yesterday, which I will maintain for a further 7 days before slightly reducing again (it will take nearly a month to wean me off of them totally). Yesterday and today have been quite difficult adjusting to the reduction, and my "roid rage" has been quite unbearable for poor Marc! It is really difficult as they totally change your personality - and you lose all of your 'common sense'! Apart from that I just feel like I have severe sunburn on the top of my head, and am a little vague and tired - all in all - cannot complain at all (although Marc surely can!!!) ! No hair loss yet either which has been nice.
Tomorrow I will have my last "zap", and then the treatment will continue to radiate my brain for a further 6-8 weeks. It is around about that time that I will have my next MRI to check in the progress. Still no driving, however I can be left alone for "short periods" which is great.
I have an appointment with Dr McCrystal (Oncologist) next Tuesday, and then we will we get back onto the chemo for the lung mets - need to get onto those little suckers too!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Brunch, Wig Shopping and only 5 "Zaps" to go
This morning Mumsie and I met with Sue for a lovely brunch at The Hardware Cafe which was delicious - great company and scrumptious food - not to mention the coffee!!

After that, we went to the Wig Shop - to try and find me the perfect wig before my hair falls out early/mid next week. Wig shops are horrendous places......I am sure that most of the wigs are designed to be worn by people aged 50+ that look something like Deidre from Coronation Street.......not really meant for someone like me with quite thin/flat hair. Anyway, luckily the girls were lovely and we had a laugh or too.
After that, we went to the Wig Shop - to try and find me the perfect wig before my hair falls out early/mid next week. Wig shops are horrendous places......I am sure that most of the wigs are designed to be worn by people aged 50+ that look something like Deidre from Coronation Street.......not really meant for someone like me with quite thin/flat hair. Anyway, luckily the girls were lovely and we had a laugh or too.
Not sure if this is "the" wig yet - I will have to drag poor Marc there early next week to get his opinion on the new do!
After that it was my 5th session of radiation - half way through!!! Still going really well - no side effects - and still not feeling a thing!
Then Penny popped over for some cheese and Pinot - we had a great time chatting. And then Mumsie made her delicious pasta for dinner - and we are now enjoying our last night together before she flys home tomorrow. I will be very sad to see her go, as we have had such a great time over the last 10 days - and really couldn't have done everything without her help - especially putting up with my manic moods from the steroids and multitudes of "to-do" lists and tasks to constantly check off - thanks for your patience Mumsie!
Marc is currently on his way home, so it will be lovely to see him tonight - and to spend a lovely relaxing weekend together - I have missed him a lot.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
3 "zaps" down and a little dog in a bag!
Well, it has been another two really good days, and the sessions of the radiation have continued to be really easy! Having said that - the mask was a little tight today, and the girls assured me that it was normal with the fluid retention/swelling from the steroids (although I think that they were just being nice :))! You really don't feel a thing, and I still do not have any of the side effects which is wonderful!
We managed to find a bag for Millie (thanks PITC) , so have been smuggling her into the hospital with us everyday - everyone loves her!

My weekly appointment with Dr Jose went well yesterday. Good news was that they are zapping me 10 times, instead of the standard 5 (so giving it a good go) - bad news was I cannot lower the steroids for at least another week. That means little or no sleep - and still racing at a million miles an hour (not to mention the food....mmmmm)! Not long to go though, so have decided to enjoy nice brunches and lunches guilt free for this week!
I am feeling so truly positive about the treatment so far. Already the numbness in my fingers has reduced, my headaches have subsided, my balance feels perfect and I am feeling really well - and happy!
Thank you all so much for your continued messages and support - it helps more than you can imagine.
We managed to find a bag for Millie (thanks PITC) , so have been smuggling her into the hospital with us everyday - everyone loves her!
My weekly appointment with Dr Jose went well yesterday. Good news was that they are zapping me 10 times, instead of the standard 5 (so giving it a good go) - bad news was I cannot lower the steroids for at least another week. That means little or no sleep - and still racing at a million miles an hour (not to mention the food....mmmmm)! Not long to go though, so have decided to enjoy nice brunches and lunches guilt free for this week!
I am feeling so truly positive about the treatment so far. Already the numbness in my fingers has reduced, my headaches have subsided, my balance feels perfect and I am feeling really well - and happy!
Thank you all so much for your continued messages and support - it helps more than you can imagine.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
The "girls" Dinner Party
Last night we had a "girls" Dinner Party - Mumsie, Armin, Penny, Sue, Sarah, Millie and I.
I willl get my food obsession out of the way first and tell you about the delicious food (apologies in advance for the detail)!. The antipasto was Mumsie's creation - cheeses, biscuits, dips, olives, sundried tomatoes, meats, quince paste, gherkins, pears, grapes and pate. This was followed by Armin's Luscious Lasagna, Sue's Garlic Ciabatta, and Sarah's Salad....mmm...it was SO tasty. AND then Armin whipped up her famous Boysenberry Dumplings (with Cream and Ice Cream)!!! I packaged up some of the leftover lasagna for Sue and Sarah - however swiftly put the remainder of the dumplings away for tonight - seriously....the steroids are KILLING me!
The night was really great, and Millie was on her best behaviour, spending most of the night sound asleep in her 3/4 pants in front of the heater . It was a really casual night, lots of bubbles, and lots of laughs trying to get the "self portrait" photos happening....how funny!
Today has been a quiet day, tucked up in side - just about to pop around to Armin and Penny's for a cup of tea.
I willl get my food obsession out of the way first and tell you about the delicious food (apologies in advance for the detail)!. The antipasto was Mumsie's creation - cheeses, biscuits, dips, olives, sundried tomatoes, meats, quince paste, gherkins, pears, grapes and pate. This was followed by Armin's Luscious Lasagna, Sue's Garlic Ciabatta, and Sarah's Salad....mmm...it was SO tasty. AND then Armin whipped up her famous Boysenberry Dumplings (with Cream and Ice Cream)!!! I packaged up some of the leftover lasagna for Sue and Sarah - however swiftly put the remainder of the dumplings away for tonight - seriously....the steroids are KILLING me!
The night was really great, and Millie was on her best behaviour, spending most of the night sound asleep in her 3/4 pants in front of the heater . It was a really casual night, lots of bubbles, and lots of laughs trying to get the "self portrait" photos happening....how funny!
By the end of the night I was tired, however the exciting thing was that I managed to get my first solid 3 or 4 hours sleep which was amazing, as I have been having so much trouble sleeping over the last couple of weeks on the steroids. My body is tired, my brain just won't turn off (or down)!
Today has been a quiet day, tucked up in side - just about to pop around to Armin and Penny's for a cup of tea.
Did we mention that Millie has come into season?
We were always planning on letting Millie have one "season" before getting her neutered, however didn't anticipate it occurring the week of my new treatment.
Her 3/4 army shorts certainly bring us a chuckle or two!
Her 3/4 army shorts certainly bring us a chuckle or two!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Ravishing Puddings and Radiation
We had a great night last night. Armin and Penny were fantastic and looked after Millie for us, and Marc, Mumsie and I went to a delicious restaurant for dinner - it was amazing....and the chocolate fondant pudding was to die for :)!

Today was a good day too - first treatment of Whole Brain Radiation. The girls at the hospital were amazing, and Mumsie did a fantastic job of the photo shoot! I still found it hard to keep a straight face when they were strapping my head in, with Gina's distraught comments still ringing in my ears 'oh my god - is it going to be a Metal Mask like Hannibal Lector?' - how funny.
The whole process took seriously less than 10 minutes - and I didn't feel a thing. Side effects will not kick in until mid next week which is great.
Today was a good day too - first treatment of Whole Brain Radiation. The girls at the hospital were amazing, and Mumsie did a fantastic job of the photo shoot! I still found it hard to keep a straight face when they were strapping my head in, with Gina's distraught comments still ringing in my ears 'oh my god - is it going to be a Metal Mask like Hannibal Lector?' - how funny.
The whole process took seriously less than 10 minutes - and I didn't feel a thing. Side effects will not kick in until mid next week which is great.
Tomorrow night we have organised a dinner party at home with Mumsie, Armin, Penny, Sue and Sarah (and Millie of course) so I am really looking forward to that.
All of the messages, and words of support and encouragement have been amazing, and mean the absolute world to Marc and I and the rest of our family and friends - we really are very lucky!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Steroids and Savouries
It is so hard to comprehend what has happened in the last week and a half - it still seems to be a bit of a dream for both Marc and I (and everyone else too I'm sure).
I had just started a new chemo drug for my lung mets a couple of weeks ago, and found that I was really struggling with the side effects, especially headaches and nausea. I had a scheduled MRI scan on Friday 20th August, so they could "rule out" any nasties up there.
Well, Friday came around - and within 20 minutes of the brain scan we had received the news that the cancer had spread, and we were dealing with 4 brain tumors, and significant swelling on my brain (no wonder my head felt like it was going to pop open)!!
Immediately we were started on high dose steroids (not for sale sorry Mr Harris), to get the swelling down, and we will start Whole Brain Radiation on Friday as the first plan of attack.
The last week has been a little overwhelming - which the steroids have not helped with. I feel "ramped up" all of the time, and just CANNOT stop eating (seriously I would steal a cheeseburger from a small childs hand if I passed them in the street)!! Hopefully when the dosage is reduced I will be able to drop the weight back down and not have such an addiction / obsession with food. Poor Marc and Mumsie - I've got a million task lists going at any one time - they are struggling to keep up!!!
Well, today we are having a quiet day - off to meet Sue for lunch and then we are having a lovely special dinner tonight with Marc, Mumsie and Me - should be delicious!!!!
It has been tricky at work as well, as I have been trying to pass over a lot of my responsibilities within a short time frame, which has been a little rushed - and not the way that I would have wanted to leave at the moment after being here for so long. We will just play it by ear and see how I'm feeling after the Brain Radiation. One up side to it all - I got out of the GST/Price Increase project (Sorry Norman, Leanne, Karen and Ben) - had to throw that one in there!!!
Marc's Mum (Mumsie) flew in on Tuesday to help us, as at this stage I can't drive or be left alone, and she has been wonderful. My Mum will be over in the not too distant future too which will be great too.
I had just started a new chemo drug for my lung mets a couple of weeks ago, and found that I was really struggling with the side effects, especially headaches and nausea. I had a scheduled MRI scan on Friday 20th August, so they could "rule out" any nasties up there.
Well, Friday came around - and within 20 minutes of the brain scan we had received the news that the cancer had spread, and we were dealing with 4 brain tumors, and significant swelling on my brain (no wonder my head felt like it was going to pop open)!!
Immediately we were started on high dose steroids (not for sale sorry Mr Harris), to get the swelling down, and we will start Whole Brain Radiation on Friday as the first plan of attack.
The last week has been a little overwhelming - which the steroids have not helped with. I feel "ramped up" all of the time, and just CANNOT stop eating (seriously I would steal a cheeseburger from a small childs hand if I passed them in the street)!! Hopefully when the dosage is reduced I will be able to drop the weight back down and not have such an addiction / obsession with food. Poor Marc and Mumsie - I've got a million task lists going at any one time - they are struggling to keep up!!!
Well, today we are having a quiet day - off to meet Sue for lunch and then we are having a lovely special dinner tonight with Marc, Mumsie and Me - should be delicious!!!!
It has been tricky at work as well, as I have been trying to pass over a lot of my responsibilities within a short time frame, which has been a little rushed - and not the way that I would have wanted to leave at the moment after being here for so long. We will just play it by ear and see how I'm feeling after the Brain Radiation. One up side to it all - I got out of the GST/Price Increase project (Sorry Norman, Leanne, Karen and Ben) - had to throw that one in there!!!
Marc's Mum (Mumsie) flew in on Tuesday to help us, as at this stage I can't drive or be left alone, and she has been wonderful. My Mum will be over in the not too distant future too which will be great too.
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